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Brain Injuries: What You Need to Know About Concussions


Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are known for their unpredictable nature and for their ability to have serious and debilitating long-term consequences for victims. Although every injury is unique, the unique and mysterious nature of the human mind make it difficult for medical professionals to always accurately identify why or how a brain injury can have negative effects on victims. This is especially true of concussions, which are among the most common forms of brain injury.

A concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury, can occur in many different ways and as the result of many different types of accidents. Generally, they occur as the result of a sudden impact force to the head, which is common in falls, construction accidents, and car accidents. When a person does suffer a concussion, it is not always clear how it will affect them, which is why medical attention and a proper evaluation becomes critical after any head injury.

At Scott H. Palmer, P.C., our Addison brain injury lawyers have represented many injured victims who suffered concussions in preventable accidents caused by the negligence of others. When we hear from victims who suffered head injuries, our first priority is to always advise that they seek medical attention. We then help victims protect their right to financial compensation.

Having seen the impact concussions can have on victims and their families, we want to provide a few important pieces of information you should know:

  • Concussions are brain injuries – Most people know what a concussion is, and they hear about it a lot when it comes to sports. While they may seem common, they are certainly nothing to take lightly. That’s because concussions are brain injuries, and they can have a significant impact on victims in both the short and long term. In some cases, concussions can be so severe that they greatly limit the ability of victims to handle daily tasks. In most cases, concussion symptoms will dissipate over a period of several weeks, but in others, they can persist for months or even longer.
  • Symptoms are not the best indicator – Following a head injury, there are certain symptoms to watch out for. These include headaches, dizziness, nausea, a sensitivity to sound or light, and problems with balance. However, not everyone experiences the same symptoms, nor are they felt in the same way. It may also take time for symptoms to present themselves. Even if you don’t feel symptoms rights away or think that the symptoms are manageable and that you can tough it out, you should still see a doctor who can conduct tests to determine if serious issues, including hemorrhaging, are present.
  • Concussions can happen without a head injury – Most people think you can only suffer a concussion if you hit your head. While sudden impact trauma can certainly cause concussions, it is not the only way they can occur. Concussions can happen when any sudden force causes the brain to accelerate forward and backward within the skull, even if there is no direct impact to the head. This is why victims involved in auto accidents, particularly rear end crashes, may suffer concussions when they experience whiplash. Just because you didn’t hit your head does not mean you don’t have a concussion. If you feel symptoms, a doctor visit is warranted.
  • They can quickly become bad – Experts always advise that injured victims seek timely medical attention following concussions because they can quickly progress and create serious complications. When pressure builds within the skull, tiny tears in the brain can begin to hemorrhage, which creates a life-threatening issue.

If you or someone you love has hit your head in any type of accident, or were involved in an accident where your head rapidly accelerated and decelerated, timely medical attention should be your top priority. Don’t wait for symptoms to go away or try to tough it out – there are real risks to brain injuries and seeking an evaluation becomes crucial to ruling out serious conditions and securing the treatment you need.

In addition to securing the medical attention and treatment you require, you can also exercise your right to recover financial compensation for your damages by filing a personal injury claim. If your injury resulted from another’s negligence, such as a negligent driver, you might have the right to compensation. Our personal injury attorneys at Scott H. Palmer, P.C. can help you learn more about this right and whether you may have a valid case following your accident during a case evaluation.

To discuss your potential case with a member of our team, contact us for a consultation.

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