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Tips To Manage Sexual Assault Charges


Dealing with sexual assault charges can be a stressful and challenging experience. These types of allegations are often found to be false or mischaracterized. When you’ve been accused of sexual assault or misconduct, you’ll want to make sure you are taking careful steps to avoid making mistakes that could later hurt your case.

Sexual Assault in Texas

Sexual assault charges typically mean the defendant is charged with invoking a type of force, threat, non-consensual act, or a circumstance that prohibits the victim from escaping the situation.

The penalties for this type of charge can include a second-degree felony, resulting in anywhere from 2 - 20 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. A more severe case can result in a first-degree felony, five years - life in prison, and up to $10,000 in fines. There may be additional consequences such a having your photo and address on the Texas Sex Offender Registry, which can hinder your opportunity to a job, find safe housing or live a normal life.

Tips On Handling Sex-related Offenses

Contacting an attorney is the next best step after being charged with sexual assault or any related crime. An attorney can help set up a plan to combat these charges in court. This alone may help relieve some pressure you may feel from these allegations. The law offices of Scott Palmer P.C., for example, have plenty of experience handling these types of cases.

Documentation can be another crucial component of combating sexual assault accusations. Organizing text messages, emails, or any other form of communication along with videos or pictures to prove your innocence may be crucial.

Remaining calm during a storm of false accusations is vital as well. Try to refrain from posting things on social media or making any personal statements until you have consulted an attorney. Social media posts and other public forms of communication could be used against you if you are not careful.

Dallas Defense Attorney

If you are facing sexual misconduct and other related charges, we may be able to help. Here at Scott H. Palmer, P.C., we have the skills, experience, and determination to help get you a favorable outcome for your case.

We have handled countless criminal defense cases and know how to navigate the legal system. When you need someone who you can trust to help defend your rights and freedom, rest assured Scott H. Palmer, P.C. is here for you. You can reach us at (214) 891-3382 or contact us through our website today.
