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Everything You Need to Know About Family Law Modifications

Portrait of a happy father giving his little boy a piggyback ride in their backyard

Family law modifications can be extremely difficult to maneuver, especially when emotions run high. If you're in the midst of a family law dispute, or even if you’re just looking for more information on the topic, it’s important that you understand how modifications work and what they entail. This blog post provides an overview of family law modifications, when you may request one, and how to go about the process.

Valid Reasons for Modifying Family Law Agreements in Texas

Custody Agreements

Modifying a custody agreement can be an effective solution for parents who feel their current situation is not working out and no longer meets the needs of their children. There are several common reasons that may motivate parents to modify a custody agreement, such as changes in the family structure due to remarriage, job location changes, or different parenting styles among both parties. In addition, if a parent's financial or physical circumstances have changed significantly, they may wish to modify the schedule to. No matter the reason, parents should always keep the best interests of their children in mind when making any decisions related to changing a custody agreement.

Child or Spousal Support Agreements

The terms and conditions of child support or spousal support are generally determined at the conclusion of a family law case, but there may be occasions when modifications become necessary. Reasons for modification include changes in one or both parents' income, additional needs of dependent children, expenses for additional needs for special care due to illness or disability, changes in living arrangements resulting from remarriage on either parent's part and other factors such as educational opportunities for the child requiring more financial assistance than was previously provided.

How to Request a Modification

When requests are made for modification or increase of payments, both parties must agree to new terms. If both parties agree to the proposed modification, then the change will be quite simple. However, if one party does not want to make a modification or doesn’t agree to the proposed change, the courts may become involved in ruling on the modification. Taking legal action is often necessary if another party is uncooperative or fails to adhere to modifications that have already been made during separation negotiations.

How an Attorney Can Help You Make a Modification

Going through a family law modification process can be an emotionally draining experience for everyone involved. Working with an experienced attorney can help minimize the stress associated with this process. An attorney is well-versed in the relevant laws and regulations, so they can ensure that all paperwork is filed correctly and on time, as well as properly represent your interests in court. Proper representation can also make negotiations much easier, faster, and ultimately more successful. Additionally, an attorney who specializes in family law modifications will be familiar with the local court system and use their knowledge to diligently advocate on your behalf. Finding a reputable attorney who is equipped to handle your particular case is essential in maximizing the chances of achieving your desired outcome in a family law modification.

Work with our Family Law Team at Scott H. Palmer, P.C. in Dallas

If you need to make changes to a pre-existing family law order, contact us at Scott H. Palmer, P.C. for assistance! We can help guide you through the process and navigate any disputes that may arise. Ultimately, we will always prioritize you and your childs’ best interests. To discuss your proposed modification or family law case, call us at (214) 891-3382 or click here to reach out online. We look forward to hearing from and helping you.

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